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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
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67b1e46b3ba442002b4bf2f9 Veloura dewy serum 30 ML https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67b1e517b1e78500aeda3517/6287035855346.jpg

Veloura Dewy Serum is one of the most prominent skin care products that aims to moisturize the skin and improve its appearance. This serum is distinguished by its unique formula that combines more than one effective natural ingredient, unlike other moisturizing products that lack a mixture of natural ingredients, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to obtain fresh and radiant skin.

in stockSAR 143
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Veloura dewy serum 30 ML

SAR 143

Veloura Dewy Serum is one of the most prominent skin care products that aims to moisturize the skin and improve its appearance. This serum is distinguished by its unique formula that combines more than one effective natural ingredient, unlike other moisturizing products that lack a mixture of natural ingredients, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to obtain fresh and radiant skin.

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The serum combines a blend of effective skincare ingredients unlike other products that contain only one ingredient. The facial moisturizing serum provides intense hydration to the skin, helping to prevent dryness and enhance its elasticity. With its rich formula of nourishing ingredients, the serum helps improve the appearance of the skin and make it look brighter and more vibrant.

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You should start by cleaning your face well using a cleanser suitable for your skin type. Gently dry your face using a clean towel. Put an appropriate amount of serum on your fingertips and gently spread it over the face and neck. Gently massage the serum until it is completely absorbed. The best skin serum can be used morning and evening for best results.

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Hyaluronic Acid: It is considered one of the best natural moisturizers, as it works to attract moisture to the skin and retain it. Collagen: Gives the skin a full and vibrant appearance. Vitamin E: Works as a powerful antioxidant, protects the skin from free radicals and promotes skin health. Glycerin: Helps maintain skin moisture for long periods, which maintains its freshness and elasticity.

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