A - Z
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6698cdd67d54cfd6685fd5a3 Note Luminous Moisturiz Foundation# 103 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66ab6343b7470d6f04a60173/3701365782804-1.jpg Our Luminous Moisturizing Foundation, is a silky soft foundation that perfectly evens out the complexion

smooths on delicately, enhancing your complexion with natural coverage

soft silky and creamy texture is easy to apply to deliver a radiant finish

blend of macadamia and sweet almond oil helps to balance skin's moisture levels, with SPF 15 for added protection

creating a naturally radiant glow

Ideal for dry and dull looking skin

capacity size: 30ml

country of origin: Turkey

Production Date: May 2023

Expiry Date: May 2028

How To Apply

Apply the foundation with clean fingertips, or a slightly damped sponge or foundation brush

Apply small amount of foundation on top of your hand or your sponge/ brush put small drops of foundation on your cheeks and forehead and blend by your fingertips

Spread foundation gently

Do not forget to apply the powder to your nose and lip area as well as your neck line

in stockSAR 75
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Note Luminous Moisturiz Foundation# 103

SAR 75

Our Luminous Moisturizing Foundation, is a silky soft foundation that perfectly evens out the complexion

smooths on delicately, enhancing your complexion with natural coverage

soft silky and creamy texture is easy to apply to deliver a radiant finish

blend of macadamia and sweet almond oil helps to balance skin's moisture levels, with SPF 15 for added protection

creating a naturally radiant glow

Ideal for dry and dull looking skin

capacity size: 30ml

country of origin: Turkey

Production Date: May 2023

Expiry Date: May 2028

How To Apply

Apply the foundation with clean fingertips, or a slightly damped sponge or foundation brush

Apply small amount of foundation on top of your hand or your sponge/ brush put small drops of foundation on your cheeks and forehead and blend by your fingertips

Spread foundation gently

Do not forget to apply the powder to your nose and lip area as well as your neck line

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Read more
Luminous Moisturizing Foundation visibly smooths and improves the look of skin, creating a luminous, perfectly even complexion. Its soft silky and creamy texture unites medium buildable to high coverage with SPF 15 protection. Extremely sensorial and comfortable on the skin, this foundation is easy to apply and blend delivering a natural radiant finish. Formulated with macadamia nut oil and sweet almond oil Luminous Moisturizing Foundation helps to soothe, smoothen and moisturize the skin leaving it looking visibly improved. This foundation is the perfect solution for those with dry, mixed to dry or dull looking skin, seeking for a foundation to get radiant skin and revitalize complexion in one simple step. It comes in 15 different shades that easily adapt to every type of complexion.
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Read more
Apply the foundation with clean fingertips, or a slightly damped sponge or foundation brush. Apply small amount of foundation on top of your hand or your sponge/ brush put small drops of foundation on your cheeks and forehead and blend by your fingertips. Spread foundation gently, Do not forget to apply the powder to your nose and lip area as well as your neck line.
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon

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