A - Z
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
64880a92f337f48317d4355c Make Over22 Palette Skin Face - HD002 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/64880d183ab9ad68159aa0a6/4592495580021.jpg Makeover22 HD Skin All-in-One Palette - All-in-one palette by our professionals. We are proud to present to you the new All-in-One Face Palette: an all-in-one palette where you will find all the essentials you need for a flawless complexion. Together with our professionals, we have created a harmony of our new face palette to suit all of your skin tone needs. It's now possible to even out and beautify your complexion with just one palette thanks to 12 complementary cream shades that correct and enhance your natural beauty. - From HD001 Foundation Complexion Palette: If you're a fan of Make Over22's signature face palette, our new go-to: blendable formula, buildable coverage, lightweight texture, and natural finish of the original palette. We've also developed a cleaner formula that's synthetic wax-free*, contains no BHT, no allergens, no oily finish, and reduced fragrance to less than 1%. *In blush and highlighter formulas A fully formed routine in one bar With this on-the-go palette, you can even out, correct, conceal, tone, and brighten your complexion. And you can also combine all the cream shades thanks to their ultra-blendable formula. In this face palette, you will find: 3 foundation creams, 4 shades of concealer and corrector, 2 blushes, 2 contours, and 1 highlighter. - You can also use HD Skin Foundation as a base, all the shades work well together. Harmony 1 for light to medium skin tone. Harmony 2 is for tan to deep skin. How to use: Use brush #106. -Choose 3 shades of foundation light/medium/dark and apply to jawbone. Which blends perfectly with the skin is just the right shade! 1- Apply the foundation cream from the center of the face and blend it outward. 2- Continue on the chin and face area. 3- Finish applying the product on the forehead. -contour 1- Determine the shape of your face and the effect you want to create using the contour. (improve or correct your features) 2- Choose one of the shades of the sculpture and select the area to be installed and applied. -Highlight 1- Select the shading shade, select the area to highlight and apply it. 2- Mix it together. -Blush 1- Apply blush on the cheekbones. 2- Blend the product towards the center of the face and nose. Make sure not to go over the center of the eye. 3- Apply the blush and blend it on the apples of the cheeks in circular motions. With this on-the-go palette, you can even out your complexion, correct it, hide blemishes, color it, contour and brighten it. You can also combine all the creamy shades thanks to its blendable formula. 46385
in stockSAR 89.7
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(تحسين أو تصحيح ميزاتك)\n2- اختر أحد ظلال النحت وحدد المنطقة المراد تركيبها وتطبيقها.\n-تسليط الضوء\n1- حدد ظل التظليل ، وحدد المنطقة المراد تسليط الضوء عليها وتطبيقها.\n2- امزجها معًا.\n-احمر خدود\n1- ضعي أحمر الخدود على عظمتي الوجنتين.\n2- امزج المنتج باتجاه منتصف الوجه والأنف. تأكد من عدم تجاوز مركز العين.\n3- ضعي أحمر الخدود وامزجيه على تفاحة الخدين بحركات دائرية.باستخدام هذه الباليت أثناء التنقل ، يمكنك توحيد لون بشرتك وتصحيحها وإخفاء الشوائب عليها وتلوينها وتحديد معالمها و إشراقها. ويمكنك أيضًا الدمج بين جميع الظلال الكريمية بفضل تركيبتها القابلة للدمج.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"مجموعه الوجه من ميك اوفر توفر لك الوقت في مجموعة واحدة سهل حملها في السفر وفي كل مكان"},"SEO":{"title":"ميك اوفر22 باليت HD سكين للوجة HD002","description":"مجموعة اتش دي سكين للوجة الكل في واحد من ميك اوفر22- لوحة الكل في واحد من قبل المحترفين لدينا. نحن فخورون بأن نقدم لكم لوحة باليت الوجة الكل في واحد الجديدة: لوحة الكل في واحد حيث ستجد كل الأساسيات التي تحتاجها للحصول على بشرة خالية من العيوب. لقد أنشأنا مع محترفينا تناغمًا من لوحة باليت الوجه الجديد لتلائم جميع احتياجات لون بشرتك. أصبح من الممكن الآن توحيد وتجميل بشرتك بفضل لوحة واحدة فقط بفضل 12 لونًا كريمًا تكميليًا تصحح وتعزز جمالك الطبيعي.\n- من لوحة HD001الأساسية للبشرة: إذا كنت من محبي لوحة الوجة من ميك اوفر22 المميزة ، الجديدة لدينا: تركيبة قابلة للمزج ، وتغطية قابلة للبناء ، وملمس خفيف الوزن ، ولمسة نهائية طبيعية للوحة الأصلية.\nلقد طورنا أيضًا تركيبة أنظف خالية من الشمع الاصطناعي * ، ولا تحتوي على BHT ، ولا مسببات للحساسية ، ولا تشطيب زيتي ، وقمنا بتخفيض نسبة العطر إلى أقل من 1٪. * في صيغ أحمر الخدود والهايلايتر\n- روتين كامل التكوين في لوح واحد\nباستخدام لوحة الألوان هذه أثناء التنقل ، يمكنك توحيد لون بشرتك وتصحيحها وإخفائها وتلوينها وإضفاء الضوء عليها.\nويمكنك أيضًا الجمع بين جميع ظلال الكريم بفضل تركيبتها فائقة الدمج.في لوحة الوجه هذه ، سوف تجد: 3 كريم أساس ، 4 ظلال من الكونسيلر والمصحح ، 2 أحمر خدود ، 2 كونتور ، و 1 هايلايتر.\n- يمكنك أيضًا استخدام HD Skin Foundation كأساس ، حيث تعمل جميع الظلال معًا بشكل جيد.\n-هارموني 1 للون البشرة الفاتحة إلى المتوسطة.\n-هارموني 2 مخصص للبشرة السمراء إلى العميقة.\nطريقة الاستخدام: استخدم الفرشاة # 106.\n-اختر 3 ظلال من كريم الأساس خفيف / متوسط ​​/ داكن ضعيهم على عظم الفك. الذي يمتزج تمامًا مع البشرة هو الدرجة المناسبة!\n1- ضعي كريم الأساس من منتصف الوجه وادمجيه للخارج.\n2- استمري في منطقة الذقن والوجه.\n3- الانتهاء من وضع المنتج على الجبهة.\n-محيط شكل\n1- حددي شكل وجهك والتأثير الذي تريدين صنعه باستخدام الكنتور. (تحسين أو تصحيح ميزاتك)\n2- اختر أحد ظلال النحت وحدد المنطقة المراد تركيبها وتطبيقها.\n-تسليط الضوء\n1- حدد ظل التظليل ، وحدد المنطقة المراد تسليط الضوء عليها وتطبيقها.\n2- امزجها معًا.\n-احمر خدود\n1- ضعي أحمر الخدود على عظمتي الوجنتين.\n2- امزج المنتج باتجاه منتصف الوجه والأنف. تأكد من عدم تجاوز مركز العين.\n3- ضعي أحمر الخدود وامزجيه على تفاحة الخدين بحركات دائرية.باستخدام هذه الباليت أثناء التنقل ، يمكنك توحيد لون بشرتك وتصحيحها وإخفاء الشوائب عليها وتلوينها وتحديد معالمها و إشراقها. ويمكنك أيضًا الدمج بين جميع الظلال الكريمية بفضل تركيبتها القابلة للدمج."}}}},"categories":["make-up","face","face-palettes"],"description":"Makeover22 HD Skin All-in-One Palette - All-in-one palette by our professionals. We are proud to present to you the new All-in-One Face Palette: an all-in-one palette where you will find all the essentials you need for a flawless complexion. Together with our professionals, we have created a harmony of our new face palette to suit all of your skin tone needs. It's now possible to even out and beautify your complexion with just one palette thanks to 12 complementary cream shades that correct and enhance your natural beauty.\n- From HD001 Foundation Complexion Palette: If you're a fan of Make Over22's signature face palette, our new go-to: blendable formula, buildable coverage, lightweight texture, and natural finish of the original palette.\nWe've also developed a cleaner formula that's synthetic wax-free*, contains no BHT, no allergens, no oily finish, and reduced fragrance to less than 1%. *In blush and highlighter formulas\nA fully formed routine in one bar\nWith this on-the-go palette, you can even out, correct, conceal, tone, and brighten your complexion.\nAnd you can also combine all the cream shades thanks to their ultra-blendable formula. In this face palette, you will find: 3 foundation creams, 4 shades of concealer and corrector, 2 blushes, 2 contours, and 1 highlighter.\n- You can also use HD Skin Foundation as a base, all the shades work well together.\nHarmony 1 for light to medium skin tone.\nHarmony 2 is for tan to deep skin.\nHow to use: Use brush #106.\n-Choose 3 shades of foundation light/medium/dark and apply to jawbone. Which blends perfectly with the skin is just the right shade!\n1- Apply the foundation cream from the center of the face and blend it outward.\n2- Continue on the chin and face area.\n3- Finish applying the product on the forehead.\n-contour\n1- Determine the shape of your face and the effect you want to create using the contour. (improve or correct your features)\n2- Choose one of the shades of the sculpture and select the area to be installed and applied.\n-Highlight\n1- Select the shading shade, select the area to highlight and apply it.\n2- Mix it together.\n-Blush\n1- Apply blush on the cheekbones.\n2- Blend the product towards the center of the face and nose. Make sure not to go over the center of the eye.\n3- Apply the blush and blend it on the apples of the cheeks in circular motions. With this on-the-go palette, you can even out your complexion, correct it, hide blemishes, color it, contour and brighten it. You can also combine all the creamy shades thanks to its blendable formula.","inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":5,"kunooz_sort_order":4,"location_availability":["all"],"substore":["whites-express","kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2025-03-17T03:39:54.342Z","whites_sort_order":1013,"_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","collections":["5-april-35percent","make-up-offers","exclude-from-loyalty","non-medicine","all-items-live-2024","non-medicine-2024","tiqmo","coupon2025","inf-feb-2025","ksa-code","make-up-cash-back-coupon"],"last_order_date":"2025-03-17T03:39:51.774Z","last_order_id":"OID288781","total_order_count":25,"total_sales_amount":2530.92,"offer 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Make Over22 Palette Skin Face - HD002

SAR 89.7SAR 138 SAVE 35%

Save 35%

{"_id":"66a79a4d2c1ffff0e3f592eb","name":"Save 35%","saved_amount":48.3,"type":"percentage","amount":35,"description":"Save 35%"}
Makeover22 HD Skin All-in-One Palette - All-in-one palette by our professionals. We are proud to present to you the new All-in-One Face Palette: an all-in-one palette where you will find all the essentials you need for a flawless complexion. Together with our professionals, we have created a harmony of our new face palette to suit all of your skin tone needs. It's now possible to even out and beautify your complexion with just one palette thanks to 12 complementary cream shades that correct and enhance your natural beauty. - From HD001 Foundation Complexion Palette: If you're a fan of Make Over22's signature face palette, our new go-to: blendable formula, buildable coverage, lightweight texture, and natural finish of the original palette. We've also developed a cleaner formula that's synthetic wax-free*, contains no BHT, no allergens, no oily finish, and reduced fragrance to less than 1%. *In blush and highlighter formulas A fully formed routine in one bar With this on-the-go palette, you can even out, correct, conceal, tone, and brighten your complexion. And you can also combine all the cream shades thanks to their ultra-blendable formula. In this face palette, you will find: 3 foundation creams, 4 shades of concealer and corrector, 2 blushes, 2 contours, and 1 highlighter. - You can also use HD Skin Foundation as a base, all the shades work well together. Harmony 1 for light to medium skin tone. Harmony 2 is for tan to deep skin. How to use: Use brush #106. -Choose 3 shades of foundation light/medium/dark and apply to jawbone. Which blends perfectly with the skin is just the right shade! 1- Apply the foundation cream from the center of the face and blend it outward. 2- Continue on the chin and face area. 3- Finish applying the product on the forehead. -contour 1- Determine the shape of your face and the effect you want to create using the contour. (improve or correct your features) 2- Choose one of the shades of the sculpture and select the area to be installed and applied. -Highlight 1- Select the shading shade, select the area to highlight and apply it. 2- Mix it together. -Blush 1- Apply blush on the cheekbones. 2- Blend the product towards the center of the face and nose. Make sure not to go over the center of the eye. 3- Apply the blush and blend it on the apples of the cheeks in circular motions. With this on-the-go palette, you can even out your complexion, correct it, hide blemishes, color it, contour and brighten it. You can also combine all the creamy shades thanks to its blendable formula.
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The face set from Make Over saves you time in one set that is easy to carry when traveling and everywhere
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