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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
5e738abea5c59c20f2524255 Veratol 100 Mg 60 Capsules https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/5e738abea5c59c20f2524255/203101-ul0184.jpg

Product Description: 

  • Veratol is composed mainly of: Resveratrol (3, 5, 4’- trihydroxy-Trans-stilbene) is a natural compound found in red grape skin. Sometimes they call it as “The French Paradox”.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant produced by some plants to assist when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi, or UV light & to protect them against environmental stresses. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which are believed to be the cause of aging.
  • Resveratrol is produced by plants Science has shown Resveratrol to possess a fascinating spectrum of pharmacologic properties enabling it to assist greatly with human health and beauty.
  • VERATOL™ is known to have a lot of health benefits:
  • VERATOL™ helps combat all signs of aging including wrinkles, sagging skin, dark spots, crow's feet, etc...
  • VERATOL™ helps slowing down the aging process & maintains the feeling of youth.
  • VERATOL™ helps Improving energy & overall metabolic process.
  • VERATOL™ helps improve skin healing naturally, skin moisturization and elasticity.
  • VERATOL™ Helps fighting stress related health issues. 
  • VERATOL™ induces collagen synthesis & inhibits collagenases (deterioration of collagen), with a reassuring safety profile, which leads to increases thickness of skin dermis and epidermis.
  • VERATOL™ stimulates cell longevity through SRT1 pathway, as Resveratrol activates sirtuin* activity without the extreme difficulty of starving oneself!

How to use:

  • Veratol is to be taken one to two capsules per day for at least 3 months.

Warnings & Caution :

  • Do not take Veratol,If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to the active substance resveratrol or to any of the other ingredients of Veratol™.
  • Taking other medicinesThe probable interaction with blood thinners should be taken into consideration.
  • Patients taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin, warfarin, or clopidogrel should inform their doctor that they are taking resveratrol. Additionally, patients should always inform their health care providers of any dietary supplements or over-the-counter medications they use.
  • Medications changed by the liver [Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates] interacts with resveratrol. Some medications changed by the liver include lovastatin, ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fexofenadine, Triazolam, and many others.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feedingDo not take resveratrol supplements or excessive amounts of natural foods containing resveratrol while pregnant or breast-feeding. There is a lack of research in this area to prove safety.


  • Each soft gel capsule of VERATOL™ provides unique, highly concentrated Resveratrol “100 mg”. 
in stock SAR 126.6
{"_id":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255","name":"Veratol 100 Mg 60 Capsules","description":"<div id=\"video\">\n<div id=\"video\"><iframe width=\"1200\" height=\"673\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/OwkpDOCavZI?si=JZhY2rvsRT1qJht4\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-gtm-yt-inspected-8455183_173=\"true\" id=\"144435040\" data-gtm-yt-inspected-34=\"true\" title=\"Veratol Capsules(resveratrol) Beauty from Inside فيراتول كبسولات (جمالك يبدأ من الداخل)\"></iframe></div>\n<p><b>Product Description:&nbsp;</b></p>\n</div>\n<ul>\n<li>Veratol is composed mainly of: Resveratrol (3, 5, 4&rsquo;- trihydroxy-Trans-stilbene) is a natural compound found in red grape skin. Sometimes they call it as &ldquo;The French Paradox&rdquo;.</li>\n<li>It is a powerful antioxidant produced by some plants to assist when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi, or UV light &amp; to protect them against environmental stresses. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which are believed to be the cause of aging.</li>\n<li>Resveratrol is produced by plants Science has shown Resveratrol to possess a fascinating spectrum of pharmacologic properties enabling it to assist greatly with human health and beauty.</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; is known to have a lot of health benefits:</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; helps combat all signs of aging including wrinkles, sagging skin, dark spots, crow's feet, etc...</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; helps slowing down the aging process &amp; maintains the feeling of youth.</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; helps Improving energy &amp; overall metabolic process.</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; helps improve skin healing naturally, skin moisturization and elasticity.</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; Helps fighting stress related health issues.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; induces collagen synthesis &amp; inhibits collagenases (deterioration of collagen), with a reassuring safety profile, which leads to increases thickness of skin dermis and epidermis.</li>\n<li>VERATOL&trade; stimulates cell longevity through SRT1 pathway, as Resveratrol activates sirtuin* activity without the extreme difficulty of starving oneself!</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>How to use:</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Veratol is to be taken one to two capsules per day for at least 3 months.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>Warnings&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;Caution&nbsp;:</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Do not take Veratol,If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to the active substance resveratrol or to any of the other ingredients of Veratol&trade;.</li>\n<li>Taking other medicinesThe probable interaction with blood thinners should be taken into consideration.</li>\n<li>Patients taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin, warfarin, or clopidogrel should inform their doctor that they are taking resveratrol. Additionally, patients should always inform their health care providers of any dietary supplements or over-the-counter medications they use.</li>\n<li>Medications changed by the liver [Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates] interacts with resveratrol. Some medications changed by the liver include lovastatin, ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fexofenadine, Triazolam, and many others.</li>\n<li>Pregnancy and breast-feedingDo not take resveratrol supplements or excessive amounts of natural foods containing resveratrol while pregnant or breast-feeding. There is a lack of research in this area to prove safety.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>Ingredients</b><span>:</span></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Each soft gel capsule of VERATOL&trade; provides unique, highly concentrated Resveratrol &ldquo;100 mg&rdquo;.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>","price":126.6,"substore":["whites-express","kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"brand":"JP","sku":"6847","categories":["vitamins-and-supplements","supplements-1","skin-supplements","by-condition","hair-skin-and-nail"],"publish":"1","metafields":{"offer_data":"Buy 2 for 1-10/09/2023","riyadh_only":1,"gtin_1":"6285128002424","Selling_Group_A":3,"Brand_Class_A":7,"In_Promotion_A":1,"New_Launch_A":2,"On_Focus_A":2,"Seasonality_A":2,"how_to_use":"","ingredients":"","vat":"15%","unitSAP":"EA","kunooz_product_type":[],"health_conditions":[],"frequently_bought":[],"use_it_with":[],"pick_your_free_items":[],"combo_offer":[],"kunooz_categories":[],"whites_categories":[],"skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{},"benefits":"","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"metafields":{"benefits":"","how_to_use":"","ingredients":"","kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{},"what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"name":"جي بي فيراتول 100 مجم 60 كبسولة","description":"<div id=\"video\"><iframe width=\"1200\" height=\"673\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/OwkpDOCavZI\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-gtm-yt-inspected-8455183_173=\"true\" id=\"746639068\" data-gtm-yt-inspected-34=\"true\" title=\"Veratol Capsules(resveratrol) Beauty from Inside فيراتول كبسولات (جمالك يبدأ من الداخل)\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></div>\n<div><strong>وصف المنتج:</strong></div>\n<ul>\n<li>'فيراتول يحتوى على مادة الريسفيراترول الفريدة من نوعها، بتركيز '100 ملجم</li>\n<li>ريسفيراترول هو مركب طبيعي مستخلص من جلد العنب الأحمر</li>\n<li>ويعتبر أحد مضادات الأكسدة القوية التي تنتجها بعض النباتات لحمايتهم من الضغوط البيئية. مضادات الأكسدة تحمى الجسم من الأجسام الضارة، والتي يعتقد أنها سبب الشيخوخة</li>\n<li>وقد أظهرت الأبحاث أن إمتك مادة ريسفيراترول لمجموعة رائعة من من الخصائص الدوائية مما يساعد على الحفاظ على الصحة والجمال</li>\n<li>&nbsp;حيث انها تساعد على مكافحة جميع علامات الشيخوخة</li>\n<li>المساعدة فى تباطؤعملية الشيخوخة</li>\n<li>المساعدة في مكافحة المشاكل الصحية الناتجة عن الضغط النفسى والعصبى</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>إرشادات الاستخدام:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>كمكمل غذائي، 1-2 كبسولة يوميا مع الماء بعد الوجبات</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>التحذيرات والاحتياطات:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>لا تتناول فيراتول ، إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية (شديدة الحساسية) لمادة ريسفيراترول الفعالة أو لأي من مكونات فيراتول &trade; الأخرى</li>\n<li>تناول الأدوية الأخرى: يجب أن يؤخذ في الاعتبار التفاعل المحتمل مع أدوية سيولة الدم</li>\n<li>يجب على المرضى الذين يتناولون أدوية ترقق الدم مثل الأسبرين أو الوارفارين أو الكلوبيدوجريل إبلاغ الطبيب بأنهم يتناولون ريسفيراترول. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يجب على المرضى دائمًا إبلاغ مقدمي الرعاية الصحية عن أي مكملات غذائية أو أدوية بدون وصفة طبية يستخدمونها مع ريسفيراترول</li>\n<li>الأدوية التي تم تغييرها بواسطة الكبد تتفاعل مع ريسفيراترول . بعض الأدوية التي يغيرها الكبد تشمل لوفاستاتين ، كيتوكونازول&nbsp; إيتراكونازول ، فيكسوفينادين ، تريازولام ، وغيرها الكثير</li>\n<li>الحمل والرضاعة: لا تتناول مكملات ريسفيراترول أو كميات زائدة من الأطعمة الطبيعية التي تحتوي على ريسفيراترول أثناء الحمل أو الرضاعة. هناك نقص في البحث في هذا المجال لإثبات السلامة</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>المكونات:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>كل كبسولة تحتوى مادة الريسفيراترول بتركيز 100 ملجم</li>\n</ul>","SEO":{}},"auto_updated":true,"EN":{}}},"approve":"approved","seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","uniquesku":["6847"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"JP","_id":"67c418716b5575002fb53fbb"}],"inventory_quantity":5,"available":true,"images":[{"image":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255/203101-ul0184.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"5e81c71a401f4ba4ea38767b","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"203101-UL0184.jpg","_id":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255"}}},{"image":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255/203101-ul0184-2.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"5e81c71a401f4ba4ea38767c","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"203101-UL0184-2.jpg","_id":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255"}}},{"image":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255/203101-ul0184-7.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"5e81c71a401f4ba4ea38767d","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"203101-UL0184-7.jpg","_id":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255"}}}],"media":[],"dimension":{},"inventory_management":"automatic","options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"variants":[],"alias":"jp-veratol-100-mg-60-capsules","sort_order":0,"created_on":"2020-03-19T15:07:42.156Z","_created_by":"530d7f8bc6b8283a11000003","updated_on":"2025-03-03T07:18:44.249Z","_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","default_variant":null,"inventory_management_level":"product","tax":"none","collections":["16-march-40percent","inner-beauty-offers","exclude-from-loyalty","exclude-from-coupon","all-items-live-2024","non-medicine-2024","tiqmo"],"kunooz_sort_order":6374,"whites_sort_order":247,"total_order_count":48,"last_order_id":"SID280616","last_order_date":"2025-03-03T07:18:43.481Z","compare_price_discount":0,"gtin":"6285128002424","unique_barcodes":[],"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"location_availability_mode":"default","original_sort_order":0,"total_sales_amount":7625.54,"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":211,"our_price":211,"original_price":211,"discounts_total":84.4,"discounts_percentage":40,"discount_total":84.4,"discounts":[{"_id":"66f3c3e1dbd2f2002b741167","name":"40% Off","saved_amount":84.4,"type":"percentage","amount":40,"description":"Save 40%"}],"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255/203101-ul0184.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"5e81c71a401f4ba4ea38767b","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"203101-UL0184.jpg","_id":"5e738abea5c59c20f2524255"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}


Veratol 100 Mg 60 Capsules

SAR 126.6 SAR 211 (Inclusive of VAT) SAVE 40%
This Product is only deliverable in Riyadh

40% Off

{"_id":"66f3c3e1dbd2f2002b741167","name":"40% Off","saved_amount":84.4,"type":"percentage","amount":40,"description":"Save 40%"}

Product Description: 

  • Veratol is composed mainly of: Resveratrol (3, 5, 4’- trihydroxy-Trans-stilbene) is a natural compound found in red grape skin. Sometimes they call it as “The French Paradox”.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant produced by some plants to assist when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi, or UV light & to protect them against environmental stresses. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which are believed to be the cause of aging.
  • Resveratrol is produced by plants Science has shown Resveratrol to possess a fascinating spectrum of pharmacologic properties enabling it to assist greatly with human health and beauty.
  • VERATOL™ is known to have a lot of health benefits:
  • VERATOL™ helps combat all signs of aging including wrinkles, sagging skin, dark spots, crow's feet, etc...
  • VERATOL™ helps slowing down the aging process & maintains the feeling of youth.
  • VERATOL™ helps Improving energy & overall metabolic process.
  • VERATOL™ helps improve skin healing naturally, skin moisturization and elasticity.
  • VERATOL™ Helps fighting stress related health issues. 
  • VERATOL™ induces collagen synthesis & inhibits collagenases (deterioration of collagen), with a reassuring safety profile, which leads to increases thickness of skin dermis and epidermis.
  • VERATOL™ stimulates cell longevity through SRT1 pathway, as Resveratrol activates sirtuin* activity without the extreme difficulty of starving oneself!

How to use:

  • Veratol is to be taken one to two capsules per day for at least 3 months.

Warnings & Caution :

  • Do not take Veratol,If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to the active substance resveratrol or to any of the other ingredients of Veratol™.
  • Taking other medicinesThe probable interaction with blood thinners should be taken into consideration.
  • Patients taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin, warfarin, or clopidogrel should inform their doctor that they are taking resveratrol. Additionally, patients should always inform their health care providers of any dietary supplements or over-the-counter medications they use.
  • Medications changed by the liver [Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates] interacts with resveratrol. Some medications changed by the liver include lovastatin, ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fexofenadine, Triazolam, and many others.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feedingDo not take resveratrol supplements or excessive amounts of natural foods containing resveratrol while pregnant or breast-feeding. There is a lack of research in this area to prove safety.


  • Each soft gel capsule of VERATOL™ provides unique, highly concentrated Resveratrol “100 mg”. 
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