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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
66dd3685f843cb002b4f60aa Jp Maca 500 Mg 50 Caps https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66dd384306eb610024dfc0c0/51220-jp-maca.webp

JP Maca™, is a dietary supplement contains Maca Root extract powder 500 mg. Maca (Lepidium meyenii, peruvianum, root) is a Peruvian tuberous plant that grows high in the Andean Mountains, that belongs to the tuberous plants of the Brassicaceae family.

in stockSAR 60
{"_id":"66dd3685f843cb002b4f60aa","sku":"51220","brand":"JP","name":"Jp Maca 500 Mg 50 Caps","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"جى بى ماكا 500 مجم 50 كبسولة","description":"JP Maca™ هو مكمل غذائي يحتوي على مسحوق مستخلص جذر الماكا بتركيز 500 مجم.\r\nالماكا (Lepidium meyenii, peruvianum, root) هو نبات درني بيروفي ينمو في أعالي جبال الأنديز، وينتمي إلى النباتات الدرنية من عائلة Brassicaceae.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"تناول كبسولات JP Maca™ 500 مجم، تمامًا كما هو موضح في هذه النشرة. كمكمل غذائي:\r\n\r\nيجب على البالغين الذين تبلغ أعمارهم 18 عامًا أو أكثر تناول كبسولة واحدة يوميًا مع أو بعد الوجبات.\r\nاستشر ممارس الرعاية الصحية للاستخدام بعد 3 أشهر.\r\nللنساء في سن اليأس وما بعد انقطاع الطمث فقط: استشر ممارس الرعاية الصحية للاستخدام بعد 6 أسابيع.\r\nيجب عليك مراجعة الصيدلاني أو الطبيب إذا لم تكن متأكدًا.","ingredients":"تحتوي كل كبسولة على 500 ملجم من مسحوق جذر الماكا","benefits":"\"بسبب تأثيرها على الطاقة والقدرة على التحمل والرغبة الجنسية والحيوية، أطلق على الماكا أيضًا اسم \"الجينسنغ البيروفي\" أو \"الجينسنغ الأنديز\".\nالماكا هو النبات الوحيد الصالح للأكل القادر على البقاء في ظل الظروف الجوية القاسية وعلى ارتفاعات تتراوح بين 3000 و4000 متر.\nجذور النبات مغذية للغاية، ولآلاف السنين كان السكان المحليون يأكلونها في كل وجبة تقريبًا.\nالقيمة الغذائية الغنية لهذا النبات الدرني تعني أن الماكا تعتبر نباتًا متكيفًا.\nكما يستخدم الماكا في الطب التقليدي من قبل كل من الرجال والنساء لعلاج الاضطرابات المرتبطة بالجنس والهرمونات[1].\nيمكن استخدام الماكا لعلاج أعراض انقطاع الطمث وما بعد انقطاع الطمث، ومتلازمة ما قبل الحيض (PMS)، واضطرابات الرغبة الجنسية والقدرة الجنسية، ومشاكل الخصوبة واختلال التوازن الهرموني.\""}},"EN":{}}},"description":"<p>JP Maca&trade;, is a dietary supplement contains Maca Root extract powder 500 mg. Maca (Lepidium meyenii, peruvianum, root) is a Peruvian tuberous plant that grows high in the Andean Mountains, that belongs to the tuberous plants of the Brassicaceae family.</p>","metafields":{"how_to_use":"<p>Take JP Maca&trade; 500 mg capsules, exactly as directed in this leaflet. s a dietary supplement: Adults 18 years and older, should take 1 capsule daily with or after meals. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 months. For Menopausal and post-menopausal women only: Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 6 weeks. You should check with your pharmacist or physician if you are not sure.</p>","ingredients":"<p>Each capsule contains 500 mg of Maca Root powder</p>","benefits":"<p>Partly because of its effect on energy, stamina, libido and vitality, maca has also been dubbed &lsquo;Peruvian ginseng&rsquo;, or &lsquo;ginseng of the Andes&rsquo;.\\nThe maca is the only edible plant able to survive during extreme weather conditions and at altitudes of between 3,000 and 4,000 meters.\\nThe roots of the plant are extremely nutritious and for thousands of years have been eaten during almost every meal by the local population.\\nThe rich nutritional value of this tuberous plant means that Maca is considered to be an adaptogenic plant.\\nMaca is also used in traditional medicine by both men and women to treat gender and hormone-relat[1]ed disorders.\\nMaca can potentially be used for perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), libido and potency disorders, fertility problems and disrupted hormonal homeostasis.</p>","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{},"kunooz_product_type":[],"health_conditions":[],"frequently_bought":[],"use_it_with":[],"pick_your_free_items":[],"combo_offer":[],"kunooz_categories":[],"whites_categories":[],"what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"publish":"1","tax":"none","inventory_management":"automatic","inventory_quantity":6,"inventory_management_level":"product","substore":["whites-express","kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"price":60,"whites_sort_order":1000,"kunooz_sort_order":1000,"seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","approve":"approved","shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["51220"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"JP","_id":"67c4173022ca5c0028d1a615"}],"available":true,"sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount":0,"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"images":[{"image":"66dd384306eb610024dfc0c0/51220-jp-maca.webp","_id":"66dd384745de56002b9a64f2","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"51220 jp maca.webp","type":"image/webp","size":110196,"versioning":true,"_id":"66dd384306eb610024dfc0c0","data":"s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66dd384306eb610024dfc0c2/51220-jp-maca.webp"}}},{"image":"66f256bb436692002baa9291/maca2.png","_id":"66f256c85d24d300249fa27d","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"Maca2.png","type":"image/png","size":1198034,"versioning":true,"_id":"66f256bb436692002baa9291","data":"s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/originals/66f256bb436692002baa9293/maca2.png"}}}],"media":[],"dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"location_availability_mode":"default","ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"variants":[],"alias":"jp-maca-500-mg-50-caps","created_on":"2024-09-08T05:30:45.380Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","categories":[],"collections":["16-march-50percent","inner-beauty-offers","exclude-from-loyalty","exclude-from-coupon","tiqmo","non-medicine-2024","almatar-collection"],"default_variant":null,"original_sort_order":0,"updated_on":"2025-03-07T12:59:45.637Z","last_order_date":"2025-03-07T12:59:43.892Z","last_order_id":"SID282433","total_order_count":8,"total_sales_amount":480,"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":120,"our_price":120,"original_price":120,"discounts_total":60,"discounts_percentage":50,"discount_total":60,"discounts":[{"_id":"66ab33ee6e11ec350b057d22","name":"Save 50%","saved_amount":60,"type":"percentage","amount":50,"description":"Save 50%"}],"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"66dd384306eb610024dfc0c0/51220-jp-maca.webp","_id":"66dd384745de56002b9a64f2","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"51220 jp maca.webp","type":"image/webp","size":110196,"versioning":true,"_id":"66dd384306eb610024dfc0c0","data":"s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66dd384306eb610024dfc0c2/51220-jp-maca.webp"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}

Jp Maca 500 Mg 50 Caps

SAR 60SAR 120 SAVE 50%

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{"_id":"66ab33ee6e11ec350b057d22","name":"Save 50%","saved_amount":60,"type":"percentage","amount":50,"description":"Save 50%"}

JP Maca™, is a dietary supplement contains Maca Root extract powder 500 mg. Maca (Lepidium meyenii, peruvianum, root) is a Peruvian tuberous plant that grows high in the Andean Mountains, that belongs to the tuberous plants of the Brassicaceae family.

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Partly because of its effect on energy, stamina, libido and vitality, maca has also been dubbed ‘Peruvian ginseng’, or ‘ginseng of the Andes’.\nThe maca is the only edible plant able to survive during extreme weather conditions and at altitudes of between 3,000 and 4,000 meters.\nThe roots of the plant are extremely nutritious and for thousands of years have been eaten during almost every meal by the local population.\nThe rich nutritional value of this tuberous plant means that Maca is considered to be an adaptogenic plant.\nMaca is also used in traditional medicine by both men and women to treat gender and hormone-relat[1]ed disorders.\nMaca can potentially be used for perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), libido and potency disorders, fertility problems and disrupted hormonal homeostasis.

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Take JP Maca™ 500 mg capsules, exactly as directed in this leaflet. s a dietary supplement: Adults 18 years and older, should take 1 capsule daily with or after meals. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 months. For Menopausal and post-menopausal women only: Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 6 weeks. You should check with your pharmacist or physician if you are not sure.

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Each capsule contains 500 mg of Maca Root powder

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