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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
64d39afb1e0ec9d4ba2dfd52 Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter Foundation 1 https://www.kunooz.com.sa/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67a1c00f62891e002b5b2bd9/48680.jpg Foundation is a makeup essential that helps even out skin tone and conceal imperfections. Here are some key benefits of using foundation: 1. **Evens out skin tone**: Foundation helps unify the skin tone and conceal dark spots, pigmentation, and dark circles, giving the skin a smooth and even appearance. 2. **Conceals imperfections**: Foundation is used to hide imperfections such as acne, pimples, fine lines, or any other blemishes on the skin, giving you a cleaner, more flawless look. 3. **Achieves a natural look**: With the right formula, you can achieve a natural look that enhances your skin's beauty without the makeup appearing heavy or obvious. 4. **Prolongs makeup wear**: Foundation acts as a base that helps set the makeup for a longer time, keeping your look intact throughout the day without the need for constant touch-ups. 5. **Improves skin texture**: Foundation helps improve the texture of your skin, giving it a softer and smoother feel, making the application of other makeup products more seamless. 6. **Protection from environmental factors**: Some foundations contain sun protection factors (SPF), helping to shield the skin from harmful UV rays. Do you prefer using foundation daily or only on special occasions? 48680
out of stock SAR 62.5
{"_id":"64d39afb1e0ec9d4ba2dfd52","sku":"48680","brand":"ELF","name":"Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter Foundation 1","price":62.5,"seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","publish":"1","approve":"approved","shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["48680"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"ELF","_id":"67da8f2239c6d90024e34664"}],"available":false,"sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount":0,"images":[{"image":"67a1c00f62891e002b5b2bd9/48680.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67a1c00f62891e002b5b2bd8","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"48680.jpg","_id":"67a1c00f62891e002b5b2bd9"}}}],"media":[],"inventory_management":"automatic","dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"location_availability_mode":"default","ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"metafields":{"how_to_use":"Wear alone for sheer coverage & a light-filtered glow\n- Use the bottom of our Angled Silicone Face Sponge to blend.\n\nWear under foundation as a luminous base\n- Use the Complexion Duo Brush to softly buff all over face.\n \n\nHighlight high points to capture and reflect light\n- Use the Flawless Concealer Brush to precisely apply to the high points of the face.\n \n\nMix with foundation to add a beautiful dewy glow\n- Use the Ultimate Blending Brush to mix with your fave e.l.f. foundation.\n \n\nCheck out other makeup from our Halo Glow family, the loose setting powder and pair with our blending makeup brush.","ingredients":"Squalane\nHyaluronic Acid\nFinely milled powders","benefits":"normal, dry, oily, and combination skin\n\nAchieve a gorgeous glow with the only filter you’ll ever need. This innovative complexion booster and skincare-makeup hybrid is infused with squalane and hyaluronic acid. The unique formula enhances the overall look of skin while imparting a soft-focus radiance. Wear on its own, under or over makeup; mix with your favorite foundation for a dewy finish or use as a highlighter to illuminate the high points of your face. 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Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter Foundation 1

SAR 62.5SAR 125 SAVE 50%

Save 50%

{"_id":"66a7d1fdb0e46d3d62c29a19","name":"Save 50%","saved_amount":62.5,"type":"percentage","amount":50,"description":"Save 50%"}
Foundation is a makeup essential that helps even out skin tone and conceal imperfections. Here are some key benefits of using foundation: 1. **Evens out skin tone**: Foundation helps unify the skin tone and conceal dark spots, pigmentation, and dark circles, giving the skin a smooth and even appearance. 2. **Conceals imperfections**: Foundation is used to hide imperfections such as acne, pimples, fine lines, or any other blemishes on the skin, giving you a cleaner, more flawless look. 3. **Achieves a natural look**: With the right formula, you can achieve a natural look that enhances your skin's beauty without the makeup appearing heavy or obvious. 4. **Prolongs makeup wear**: Foundation acts as a base that helps set the makeup for a longer time, keeping your look intact throughout the day without the need for constant touch-ups. 5. **Improves skin texture**: Foundation helps improve the texture of your skin, giving it a softer and smoother feel, making the application of other makeup products more seamless. 6. **Protection from environmental factors**: Some foundations contain sun protection factors (SPF), helping to shield the skin from harmful UV rays. Do you prefer using foundation daily or only on special occasions?
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normal, dry, oily, and combination skin Achieve a gorgeous glow with the only filter you’ll ever need. This innovative complexion booster and skincare-makeup hybrid is infused with squalane and hyaluronic acid. The unique formula enhances the overall look of skin while imparting a soft-focus radiance. Wear on its own, under or over makeup; mix with your favorite foundation for a dewy finish or use as a highlighter to illuminate the high points of your face. Available in 8 flexible shades.
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Wear alone for sheer coverage & a light-filtered glow - Use the bottom of our Angled Silicone Face Sponge to blend. Wear under foundation as a luminous base - Use the Complexion Duo Brush to softly buff all over face. Highlight high points to capture and reflect light - Use the Flawless Concealer Brush to precisely apply to the high points of the face. Mix with foundation to add a beautiful dewy glow - Use the Ultimate Blending Brush to mix with your fave e.l.f. foundation. Check out other makeup from our Halo Glow family, the loose setting powder and pair with our blending makeup brush.
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Squalane Hyaluronic Acid Finely milled powders
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